5th Annual (Virtual) Meeting of
Global Interstitial Cystitis Bladder Pain Society
Under the aegis of Urological Society of India
Indian School of Urology.
“Conquering Bladder Pain – With you”
Date: 5th & 6th September 2020
An Educational Initiative By: Swati Spentose Pvt. Ltd.
(A brief report)
On the occasion of teacher’s day, GIBS began the journey of the 5th Annual Meeting (Virtual) on IC/BPS and brought together leaders from across the globe, who took forward the changing landscape of this miserable disease.
The annual meeting of GIBS has become increasingly sought after by the practicing Urologists and Gynecologists and other clinicians looking after IC / BPS patients, not only as an invaluable source of information about the subject but also as a guide to the practical aspects of management of these patients through the case-based panel discussions. This is also a unique opportunity for clinicians to present their views and interact with international stalwarts to deliberate about the intricacies of the subject.
Prof. Dr. Anant Kumar and Dr. Rajiv TP (the President and the Secretary of Urological Society India) were kind enough to grace the meeting with their inaugural’s remarks as they included the GIBs annual meeting as part of the initiative of the USI. Being a teaching activity, it was an honor for the GIBS society to host the annual meeting under the aegis of the Indian School of Urology (ISU).
Mr. Vishal Jajodia (Patron of GIBS) addressed the audience with a welcome note and discussed the future perspectives of the GIBS and SSPL (Swati Spentose Private Ltd) journey. Mr. Jajodia happens to be a pioneer to open successfully the subject of IC/BPS in a great manner, not only in India but also in various other parts of the world, where the subject of IC/BPS had been neglected and unattended by Pharmaceutical companies and Clinicians alike. Mr. Vishal also mentioned that “We started discussing this topic when everybody believed that IC/BPS was a disease predominantly present in Western World and now we have thus come so far. We are committed to reaching out at least 50 countries worldwide, and so far, we have reached out to 15 countries. Dr. Ariel Scafuri from Brazil is an outcome of such initiative “The journey which started 18 years back in India”.
The presence of international faculty during the 5th annual meeting of GIBS 2020 has been stellar. Eminent stalwarts like Dr. Philip Hanno (USA), Dr. JJ Wyndaele (Belgium), Dr. Mauro Cervigni (Italy) Dr. Sandor Lovasz (Hungary), and Dr. Ariel Scafuri (Brazil) Made the hue of faculty truly “Global”.
The two sessions of three hours duration each spread over the weekend comprised of intense Scientific presentations, case-based discussions, and the annual attractive Quiz made the annual meeting of GIBS desirable as expected.
This year’s meeting received 517 registrations from 37 countries from all over the globe. The delegates who attended the live proceedings had registered from
Yemen | Vietnam | USA | United Kingdom | UAE | Sri-Lanka |
South Africa | Saudi Arabia | Peru | Palestine | Pakistan | Nigeria |
Netherlands | Nepal | Myanmar | Moscow | Mexico | Malaysia |
Jordan | Israel | Indonesia | France | Ethiopia | Egypt |
Deutschland | Cambodia | Canada | Brazil | Bangladesh | Bahrain |
Algeria | Australia | Namibia | Hungary | Tanzania | India |
During the lockdown period due to the COVID – 19 Pandemic, GIBS continued the educational committee for the physicians committed to providing care to IC/ BPS patients. The series of GIBS webinars, conducted in collaboration with the various local scientific bodies witnessed the involvement of 400 delegates from 60 countries.
The journey has just begun! GIBS is determined to disseminate the evolving science of IC/BPS in all the seven continents, hopefully by the end of next year, in order to reach out to all those patients suffering from this disease and their physicians.
The planning for the 6th GIBS (2021) annual meeting has already started by coining the theme as “Educate, Identify, Treat”
Information about the other details would follow through emails, as the program evolves through the various planning stages.
Looking forward to another exciting year full of educational activities on the subject of IC/ BPS.
Stay healthy, Stay safe!
For More Information, Visit: www.gibsociety.com