GIBS 2019 – “Beyond Horizon”
24th and 25th August 2019, Hotel Orchid, Mumbai. India
Post-Conference Report.
Conference Organizers:
- Dr. Rajesh Taneja (Chairman – GIBS)
- Dr. Sanjay Pandey (Scientific secretary – GIBS)
- Core committee of GIBS
Over the two days of August 24th and 25th 2019, the GIBS pop-ups think tank brought together Practitioners (Urologists & Gynecologists) and subject specialists from different parts of the world. The conference included the presentations by the subject experts and the deliberations on the day to day practice of managing the patients suffering from this painful disease.
Global Interstitial Cystitis and Bladder Pain Society (GIBS) has successfully concluded its 4th annual scientific congress on the subject IC/BPS – GIBS 2019, “Beyond Horizon” held on 24th and 25th August 2019 at Hotel Orchid Mumbai.
This year the global stalwarts descended in Mumbai making it truly global. Prof. J. J. Wyndaele from Belgium (president of ESSIC), Prof. Mauro Cervigni from Rome, Italy (Vice President of ESSIC), Prof. Sandor Lovasz from Hungary, Prof. M. Sajjad Rahnama’i from Germany, Prof. Ming Huei Lee from Taiwan, Prof. Eleonora Gaetani from Italy (via Skype) and Dr. Loredana Nasta from Rome, Italy [President – Associazione Italiana Cistite Interstiziale (AICI)] and Ms. Maureen Morapeli – Patient advocate from South Africa were present during state of art level discussions on the subject.

Prof. J. J. Wyndaele

Prof. Mauro Cervigni

Prof. Sandor Lovasz

Prof. M. Sajjad Rahnama’i

Prof. Ming Huei Lee

Dr. Loredana Nasta

Ms. Maureen Morapeli
The conference was also honored by the presence of esteemed Chief Guest – Dr. S. S. Joshi (Eminent Sr. Urologist from Mumbai), and Guest of Honor – Dr. Alpesh Gandhi [President Elect – FOGSI (Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India)].

Chief Guest - Dr. S. S. Joshi

Guest of Honor - Dr. Alpesh Gandhi
GIBS Started its journey from Basic Understanding (2016), Release of Practical Guidelines (2017), and “On the Horizon” (2018) & progressed to current year theme of IC/BPS – “Beyond Horizon”.
The 2019 annual conference of GIBS has been appropriately envisaged around the current theme “Beyond Horizon” in order to bring to the forefront the research that is being carried out in various domains linked to IC/BPS across the globe.

The two-day conference comprised Seven plenary scientific sessions with four to five speakers per session. The conference was structured to foster discussion between participants around the core theme “Beyond Horizon”. This was achieved by hosting panel discussions, case-based discussions, free papers & sessions based on the theme “Beyond horizon”.

Proceedings of the first day scientific sessions included discussions on Differential Diagnosis and Quality of Life of Women with IC, followed by Panel Discussion on IC management.
The event also included the Release of much awaited Indian Diet Book for IC patients written by Dr. Rajesh Taneja and Dr. Neelanjana Singh (Dietitian from Delhi).

The second day enriched with the discussions on the current year theme “Beyond Horizon”, Abstract Presentations, Video Workshops on IC, Skype session on “Gut Microbiota and IC” presented by Dr. Eleonora Gaetani and “Current scenario of IC/BPS in countries like Italy and South Africa” presented by the AICI president Dr Loredana Nasta and Maureen Morapeli – Patient advocate from South Africa respectively.

Live Skype session by – Dr. Eleonora Gaetani from Italy on Gut Microbiota and IC
Panel has announced the dates for the next GIBS conference as 29th and 30th August 2020, Mumbai, Abstracts are welcome till due date 28th Feb 2020.
We plan to have an intense scientific program for the next year and look forward for an even more lively participation in GIBS 2020.
The event was supported by Swati Spentose Pvt. Ltd.